This is cool! It was easier than self-checkout and the grocery store! Adding books was fun and easy also. I liked seeing how many other people had the same books on their list as I did. I am reading one now that only 9 people had on their list. Pretty neat (ok it did just come out). Other than using this to catalog is there a point? This would be very time consuming and I already know what I have, pretty much...so...yeah. With all the databases and online books stores isn't this redundant? Am I missing something...I did only spend a few minutes on there?
I am amending this post! :) I can see now after speaking with people and reading more, how this could be helpful to people in different ways. I am going to wait until I have a day where I have nothing to do and am bored out of my mind before I catalog my books but I can see for instance a gardener with 400 books...ahem...should catalog their books. With an impressive collection like that it deserves to be out there. I don't think Amazon could compete with it!! :)
Picture by Katherinewynne'sphotos at Flickr
"You have to... push that yellow button to load it. Take your time." Corbin Dallas from Fifth Element